Monday, April 25, 2011

What's new?

So much! In the last few weeks since I was able to post an update on our family we have been ridiculously busy.  I am back at the gym now and back on the Weight Watchers program. That has all been going really well - until this Easter! - and I have lost more than 10 lbs and at least 2 inches from around my waist. I'm finally starting to feel like a human again and that is fantastic. Clint played in the orchestra for an Operetta playing at Morpheus Theatre and was out a LOT more than normal to rehearse and perform over the weeks leading up to the opener as well as the 3 weeks it was on. With those gigs and my meetings and trips to the gym most evenings we traded off on childcare responsibilities. I'm really glad that the show is done because I really missed my husband!

Nathan is finally toilet trained, Colin is crawling, Emily rolls across the room and does a funny little inchworm thing to get around, and teeth are sprouting up at a really quick rate. Colin now has 4 teeth and Emily has 6!! She's my land shark :-) Emily had another follow up with her hips and they are coming along nicely. We will have one last check in a few months of both of them and then I think we are in the clear where that is concerned. We will soon be taking them to Ottawa to meet my grandparents and I'm already starting to think about getting packed for that adventure. My only hope is that Colin doesn't figure out how to stand up and cruise before we take that trip.

I have registered to take a course to become a certified Childbirth Educator in June and hope to have all of the requirements completed in the next couple of months. I've always thought that the best job was one you would do for free anyway and that is definitely how I feel about it. I just hope seeing all those pregnant women won't make me want to have another baby (hahahahaha).

We have had many playdates recently, visits with friends (without children!), baby showers, birthday parties, committee meetings, etc. I applied to teach on-line summer school, joined the Calgary Doula Association, booked my first client and have been getting baby items ready to sell at the spring TTMAC sale that is this coming weekend. I also took Emily to Banff for a night this past weekend to help celebrate my sister's birthday with her and have our girls spend some time getting to know each other better. Phew! No wonder I'm so tired!

We are in the process of getting our gardens all completed this year. I ordered some soil today and started some seeds in the house tonight in the hope that I can transplant them in a few weeks. We'll spend some time in the next week getting things ready for planting so all we'll have to do is transplant and sow our hearts out once the risk of frost has passed. Clint is taking a week off in May and we hope to be able to do some fun things together as a family but also to get some things done around the house that we have not had the time or energy to complete.

People still ask me how things are going with having twins and a 3 year old at home and I have to say that right now things are pretty good. Both babies are finally sleeping through the night (from about 7:30-7) and I'm only nursing Emily twice a day so that gives me a little more freedom as well. They love to explore their environment and really don't need me to constantly entertain them as much so I am able to at least clean the kitchen after meals while they play in their play yards or even in the kitchen on the floor near me. They nap pretty regularly twice a day and have longer periods of being not just awake but happy and content about it too. My biggest challenge right now is keeping Nathan's unsafe toys away from the babies (as well as other things they might stick in their mouths) and keeping Nathan happy inside. He asks to go outside several times a day but we often have to wait until Clint gets home or the babies are napping so one of us can go out with him. And even then he only wants to be out for a few minutes so it is a lot of shoes and coats business for only a short time. The babies are also getting really good at finger foods so that makes mealtimes a bit easier. More messy but definitely easier. Colin used to fuss so much more since we couldn't get the food in his mouth fast enough but since he can shove a piece of banana or some peas in his mouth between spoonfuls he is much happier. They are both chatting away all the time now and I look forward to hearing their first real words soon. Emily says "Mama" and Colin says "Dada" all the time and we respond with enthusiasm each and every time but I don't think they are meaning it just yet.

Nathan is still just as sweet to the babies as ever and still gives them hugs and kisses and tells them he loves them. I think he is favoring Emily right now because she hasn't shown as much interest as Colin in his toys yet! He gets quite upset when Colin gets ahold of something that he loves and says "No, Colin! That's mine!" and quickly whips it out of his hands. While I love that he is keeping unsafe toys away from the babies, we are working on the manner in which he does it. I have nightmares about what this place is going to be like in the next few months when the babies start caring about having things taken away from them. AND when they are big enough to fight back with Nathan. I also fear them walking, then running because if they take off in 2 (or 3!!) different directions how on earth do you decide which one to chase first???

So this spring and summer is going to be jammed packed with a trip to Ontario, zoo trips, a day with Thomas the Tank at Heritage Park, trips to Calaway Park, the Stampede, maybe swimming lessons and definitely camping weekends. I am already so excited to do all of these fun things with my family and I think this will be our best summer yet :-)

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