Friday, January 21, 2011

Retiring Wealthy!

My mom recently loaned me her copy of "MoneySense: Guide to Retiring Wealthy" and I feel so strongly about sharing this book with everyone I know. It is a MUST READ for any Canadian who ever plans to retire (and don't we all??). Since having children and being smacked in the face with all of the expenses associated with raising a family I worried about how we would ever be able to afford to retire. This book is an easy read for people with any amount of investment/retirement knowledge and is chunked into chapters by age grouping so it is not necessary to read it all from beginning to end. I have always dreamed of retiring by age 55 and spending some time traveling with Clint before age would require us to slow down. This book has made me see that if we continue to make the right choices we can make that a reality. READ IT!

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